Prestige Oakville Maintenance charge is Rs.65 per square foot, though it may be changed. After one year, the owner's association will decide on the charge, which may be Rs. 4 per square foot (approximate value). The charge is based on various aspects, such as locality, quality of amenities, covered area, etc. The charge has been kept to a minimum as compared to the market price.
Prestige Oakville Maintenance Charge is the amount paid by the buyers as residential property homeowners. It is charged for the maintenance of the property. The homeowners of this residential area have to pay this amount for the preservation of the common area and facilities.
Prestige Oakille Maintenance Charge is based on the floor area of the unit. Buyers can pay the amount in monthly installments or the total amount yearly. Here are the usual methods used to determine the maintenance charge:
Per Square Feet: It is a common technique used to figure out the cost of upkeep for societies. Based on this, a certain amount is charged per sq. ft of the flat. If the cost is 4 per sq. ft, and the apartment is 1000 sq. ft, the monthly payment is Rs. 40000.
Equal Maintenance: This method is used when the sizes are the same and cannot be distinguished. The total amount is collected monthly and divided by the number of residences.
The Hybrid Maintenance Charge: It is a mix of the previous two methods. All residents pay the same amount for the shared facilities.
Prestige Oakville Maintenance Charges are payments that must be made on time. In exchange for the charges, the maintenance staff will maintain security, telephone lines, power, and water supplies. Each homeowner must pay the maintenance costs.
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